What are the different versions of the Count of Monte Cristo?

Which is the original Count of Monte Cristo book?

The Count of Monte Cristo (French: Le Comte de Monte-Cristo) is an adventure novel written by French author Alexandre Dumas (père) completed in 1844.

The Count of Monte Cristo.

Author Alexandre Dumas in collaboration with Auguste Maquet
Country France
Language French
Genre Historical novel Adventure
Publication date 1844–1846 (serialised)

How long is the unabridged version of Count of Monte Cristo?

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9782491251437
Publication date: 07/29/2020
Pages: 884
Sales rank: 155,366
Product dimensions: 5.83(w) x 8.27(h) x 1.96(d)

Is Count of Monte Cristo a true story?

Tom Reiss’ swashbuckling new book, “The Black Count,” tells the true story of Alex Dumas, son of a French nobleman and an African slave, the father of author Alexandre Dumas and the inspiration for the younger Dumas’ classic novel “The Count of Monte Cristo.”

How many words are in the Count of Monte Cristo abridged?

The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas (464, 234 words; 1,312 pg.) Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson (1,168 pg.) Shogun by James Clavell (1,210 pg.) The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien ( Approximately 470,000 words; 1,200 pg.)

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How much pages does the Count of Monte Cristo have?

I can’t sit here and go on and on about the book. It’s freaking 1276 pages!

Is Albert the son of Edmond Dantes?

In Dumas’s The Count of Monte Cristo, Albert de Morcerf is son to Fernand Mondego—the Count de Morcerf—and Mercédès, who was Edmond Dantès’ former sweetheart. … Albert sends a letter to Franz with instructions on how to free him.

Which Count of Monte Cristo is best?

You should choose: The Penguin Classics Robin Buss translation of The Count of Monte Cristo. This is the only TRULY complete and unabridged version. Early English editions were bowdlerized. That is, material thought to be offensive was removed for the good of child readers and the public in general.

What did Mondego do wrong to Dantes?

The wicked Fernand Mondego is Edmond Dantès’s main antagonist. He is deeply jealous of Dantès for winning the heart of his cousin Mercedes, for whom he has unrequited feelings. Mondego knows that so long as Dantès is in the picture, he will never be able to be with Mercedes. So he resolves to have him destroyed.

Is Count of Monte Cristo worth reading?

This classic story of wrongful imprisonment, hidden treasure, and revenge is truly a masterpiece. Alexandre Dumas’ famous novel The Count of Monte Cristo has seen life not only in print but in film and television, but one cannot appreciate the novel unless you read it in its entire unabridged length.

What happens to Mercedes in The Count of Monte Cristo?

At the end of the novel, Mercédès is left with nothing to live for, aside from the hope that Albert might somehow improve his own life. She is the character whose suffering is the most complete, despite the fact that there are others who bear far more guilt.

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Who does Edmond Dantes end up with?

But the most interesting thing about it is that Dantes ends up with Mercedes in the end. Haydee is left out entirely and Albert turns out to be the son of Dantes, conceived before he was imprisoned. And I kind of liked that ending.

What is the main theme of Count of Monte Cristo?

The Count of Monte Cristo is a story of revenge and redemption, but Dumas presents both revenge and redemption as being motivated by love.

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