Is Count of Monte Cristo sad?

Is The Count of Monte Cristo an easy read?

It’s an easy read. I love the book. … I think it’s fine for teens to read.

Does Edmond Dantès die?

Despair and near-suicide

After six long years in solitary confinement in the dungeons of the Chateau, Edmond decides to commit suicide by starving himself. Fearing he will be forced to eat, he throws out his food in secrecy. After nearly six months, he hears scratching against the wall of his cell.

Does Mercedes still love Edmond?

For her part, Mercedes has never stopped loving Edmond, but one senses the intensity of her feelings aren’t reciprocated. … The very sight of Mercedes causes Edmond to tremble, as she undoubtedly reminds him not only of the love they once shared, but also of the immense trauma he suffered in the past.

What grade level is The Count of Monte Cristo?

The Count of Monte Cristo

Interest Level Grade 7 – Grade 12
Reading Level Grade 8
Genre Fiction, Young Adult
Publisher Lerner Publishing Group
Brand First Avenue Classics ™
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Is Edmond Dantès innocent?

Before his imprisonment, Edmond Dantès is a kind, innocent, honest, and loving man. … While in prison, however, Dantès undergoes a great change. He becomes bitter and vengeful as he obsesses over the wrongs committed against him.

Does Monte Cristo marry Haydee?

Haydée (sometimes spelled as Haidee): Monte Cristo’s young, beautiful slave. She is the daughter of Ali Tebelen. Buying her, enslaved because her father was killed, is part of Dantès’ plan to get revenge on Fernand. At the end, she and Monte Cristo become lovers.

Is Edmond Dantès a villain?

The Count of Monte Cristo, originally known as Edmond Dantes, is the main antagonist of the anime show Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo, alongside Gankutsuou himself. He is inspired from the character of the eponymous novel by French author Alexandre Dumas.

Does Mercédès Love Dantes?

Mercedes still loved him, even after all that time. She had married Fernand only for her son’s sake. When she saw Dantes again, in full Count regalia, she was just pleased that he was alive, even though she was saddened that he saw what she had become and the way that he looked at her.

Why didnt the Count of Monte Cristo marry Mercédès?

Mercedes refuses to marry Edmond because she is convinced of her guilt in the chain of events that have led to this day: “You have spared me, yet of all those who have fallen under your vengeance I was the most guilty.” And then, “I perceive that you are intending to propose to me; but I cannot accept it, Edmond – my …

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What is the moral of The Count of Monte Cristo?

So the idea of being able to trust, of having plans and hopes for the future besides the horrible death or ruination of others is an important part of the moral of the story as well. The lesson that Dumas makes quite clear in The Count of Monte Cristo is that pure revenge does not satisfy.

Is Mercedes pregnant at the end of The Count of Monte Cristo?

As Fernand prepares to flee, Mercédès reveals the only reason she married him was that she was pregnant with Albert, who is actually Edmond’s son.

How does Monte Cristo get revenge?

The Count of Monte Cristo wreaks revenge upon de Villefort by giving poison to Mme. de Villefort. She poisons the maternal grandparents, but de Villefort does not want the police involved as this attention will be damaging to his reputation.

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