When did France become a Catholic country?

When did Catholicism begin in France?

In reaction, the French Revolution (1789–1790) was followed by heavy persecution of the Catholic Church.

Catholic Church in France
Founder Saint Remigius
Origin c.177 Christianity in Gaul c.496 Frankish Christianity Gaul, Roman Empire
Separations Huguenots (16th century)
Members 27,000,000–58,000,000

Is France officially a Catholic country?

For most of the nineteenth century, France was officially a Catholic country; but in 1905 the landmark law was passed, establishing the Separation of the State and the Church. … France today is a secular state which is tolerant of all religions.

Was France Catholic in the 1500s?

The Catholic Church in New France was the heir of medieval traditions of western Christianity and an embodiment of the piety and fervor of the Counter Reformation. … In 1500 the Catholic Church was the sole embodiment of institutionalized Christianity in Western Europe.

Was France Catholic or Protestant?

Chronological statistics

Religious group Population % 1986 Population % 2010
Christianity 82% 67%
–Catholicism 81% 64%
Protestantism 1% 3%
–Other and unaffiliated Christians

What was the religion of France before Christianity?

Catholicism was the exclusive state religion of France prior to 1791, and one of the four official religions, together with Lutheranism, Reformism and Judaism (later Islam in Algeria), recognized by the state under the 1801 Napoleonic Concordat up until 1905.

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Did France have a pope?

Clement refused to move to Rome, and in 1309 he moved his court to the papal enclave at Avignon, where it remained for the next 67 years. This absence from Rome is sometimes referred to as the “Babylonian captivity of the Papacy”.

Avignon Papacy.

Papal States Stato della Chiesa Status Ecclesiasticus
Today part of France
Dios eterno