Which is the main religion in the world?

Which is the best religion in the world?

The most popular religion is Christianity, followed by an estimated 33% of people, and Islam, which is practiced by over 24% of people. Other religions include Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism.

What is the number 1 religion in the world?

Christianity. As the most widespread, most practiced, and most known religion out of all countries, Christianity is the number-one dominant religion in the world. In 2010, the number of Christian followers was just under 2.17 billion, which is 31.4% of the human population.

Which is the largest religion in the world?

Adherents in 2020

Religion Adherents Percentage
Christianity 2.382 billion 31.11%
Islam 1.907 billion 24.9%
Secular/Nonreligious/Agnostic/Atheist 1.193 billion 15.58%
Hinduism 1.161 billion 15.16%

What are the top 5 religion in the world?

Major religious groups

  • Christianity (31.2%)
  • Islam (24.1%)
  • Irreligion (16%)
  • Hinduism (15.1%)
  • Buddhism (6.9%)
  • Folk religions (5.7%)
  • Sikhism (0.3%)
  • Judaism (0.2%)

Which religion is closest to truth?

Muslims must also fulfill their promises. Another important concept is the belief that truth lies in Islam itself, as being the one true religion, and the ultimate answer to all moral questions.

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What will be the largest religion in 2050?

And according to a 2012 Pew Research Center survey, within the next four decades, Christians will remain the world’s largest religion; if current trends continue, by 2050 the number of Christians will reach 2.9 billion (or 31.4%).

Which religion is most intelligent?

A 2016 Pew Center global study on religion and education around the world ranked Jews as the most educated (13.4 years of schooling) followed by Christians (9.3 years of schooling).

Which country has all religion?

Religion > Religions > All: Countries Compared

Afghanistan Sunni Muslim 80%, Shi’a Muslim 19%, other 1%
Albania Muslim 70%, Albanian Orthodox 20%, Roman Catholic 10%
Algeria Sunni Muslim (state religion) 99%, Christian and Jewish 1%

Who was the first ever God?

Brahma the Creator

In the beginning, Brahma sprang from the cosmic golden egg and he then created good & evil and light & dark from his own person. He also created the four types: gods, demons, ancestors, and men (the first being Manu).

What is the main religion in China?

China is a country with a great diversity of religious beliefs. The main religions are Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism and Protestantism. Citizens of China may freely choose and express their religious beliefs, and make clear their religious affiliations.

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