Tu preguntaste: Is Count of Monte Cristo worth reading?

Is The Count of Monte Cristo hard to read?

The Count of Monte Cristo is a big book, and it requires more than a bit of discipline and patience to finish. Last, but certainly not least, it’s important not to overlook the many allusions to history and literature that Dumas has packed in (you can see the list over in the “Shout-Out” section).

What grade reading is The Count of Monte Cristo?

The Count of Monte Cristo

Interest Level Grade 7 – Grade 12
Reading Level Grade 8
Genre Fiction, Young Adult
Publisher Lerner Publishing Group
Brand First Avenue Classics ™

How long does it take to read Count of Monte Cristo?

Based on that 300 number, you could breeze through the majority of the classic works in fewer than 10 hours each. Sure, some are really long reads (consider Les Miserables and The Count of Monte Cristo, which take upwards of 30 hours to read), but most are doable in a week if you simply read for an hour a day.

Should I read The Count of Monte Cristo Reddit?

For anyone out there that hasn’t read the book yet and likes adventure and historical fiction, this is a must read, it’s a great book that just flows when reading it, totally recommend it.

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Is the Count of Monte Cristo a children’s book?

The Count of Monte Cristo: The Bestselling Children Story (Illustrated)

What age is appropriate for reading The Three Musketeers?

A fantastic read and I would recommend it as a bedtime story for younger readers or a book for 10-13 year olds.

Should I read abridged or unabridged Count of Monte Cristo?

The unabridged version is always much better. I found that even though the unabridged version is quite long, it is very fast moving so why read the abridged version? If you are going to read the abridged version, Than either don’t read this book at all or just go straight to the off track movie.

What should I read after the Count of Monte Cristo?

If You Like The Count of Monte Cristo

  • The Count of Monte Cristo. Dumas, Alexandre, 1802-1870. …
  • The Collector of Lost Things. a Novel. …
  • El capitán Alatriste. Pérez-Reverte, Arturo. …
  • The Last Cavalier. Being the Adventures of Count Sainte-Hermine in the Age of Napoleon. …
  • The Scarlet Pimpernel. …
  • Take, Burn or Destroy. …
  • The Three Emperors.

Is the Count of Monte Cristo based on a true story?

Pierre Picaud (French: [piko]) was a 19th-century shoemaker in Nîmes, France who may have been the basis for the character of Edmond Dantès in Alexandre Dumas, père’s 1844 novel The Count of Monte Cristo. … Picaud first murdered Chaubart or had him murdered.

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